MIST Applications

Department of Architecture

The respected Commandant of MIST, Maj Gen Md Nasim Parvez, BSP, ndc, afwc, psc, recognized the achievement of Saraf Nawer, a recent graduate of the Architecture Department.

The respected Commandant of MIST, Maj Gen Md Nasim Parvez, BSP, ndc, afwc, psc, recognized the achievement of Saraf Nawer, a recent graduate of the Architecture Department.

On October 1, 2024, the Respected Commandant of MIST, Maj Gen Md Nasim Parvez, BSP, ndc, afwc, psc, presented a memento to Saraf Nawer, a recent graduate of the Architecture Department, MIST, in recognition of her achievement in winning the 9th annual InspireLi Award in the Architecture category. The event served as an inspiration for all students and graduates of the department to strive for excellence and make their mark at both national and international levels.

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